
  • V.D.  - Currently on world tour is the 13 international/festival award-winning play, V.D.  Lisa Eismen directed the play written by Pete Malicki, and performed by Eliza St. John.
  • Game Changer - a documentary Lisa Eismen directed and co-produced with Cool White Bunnie Productions in now showing in two festivals: the Dungog Film Festival in August and the Indie Gems Film Festival in September.
  • John of God – feature film in pre-production.
  • Sleeping Lessons – feature film in pre-production.
  • Food Ladder Documentary - Lisa is going to Dehli at the beginning of October in 2014 to start filming a documentary on the erection and implementation of a roof-top garden that will feed over 50 people in the slums of Dehli. 
  • Women in Blues – Documentary – Lisa and her DP just got back from Chicago, IL and Mississippi  last week where they filmed the first series of the blues documentary, Women in Blues.  Now in editing, the 3 part documentary follows the story of the blues women and what influenced them to follow this path of music making.